Commissioning Training - Thomas Stuenkel

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Talk soon, Thomas Stuenkel

How can virtual commissioning save time in the real commissioning process?

Podcast - on Air - Episode #1

A few weeks ago I got a question from a gentlemen regarding “virtual commissioning”. He asked me “Thomas, in what way and how would you think that virtual commissioning could save time in the real commissioning process knowing of course that virtually the physical work cannot be completely be substituted?”

This is a good question.

So what is “virtual commissioning” at all?

Please click the play button below and listen to the audio (3 min 38 sec).

It would be great if you could share your thoughts on this topic of virtual commissioning here on my blog or in the comments on Soundcloud.

Thank you very much & talk soon,

Thomas Stuenkel

Update January 29, 2019

The commissioning podcast “ on Air” is now available on Spotify, iTunes and Google Play Music.

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  • Marwan Najem January 27, 2019, 9:42 am

    Dear Thomas, it is my pleasure to shear with you my view regarding of V Com. I hope it will be usefule.
    Virtual commissioning is not a new term as it has been and used so long time ago in many of industries. Especially the manufacturing and production lines for electrical and mechanical products.

    I would say it is newly used for the some particular constructions fields, such as refineries and power generations. Especially that these fields got operated a controlled in full automated systems.

    Virtual commissioning use has been rapidly used lately by a look ahead teams and the reasons of that can be summarized as following:

    1- Utilized the time in supportable way, by allowing the commissioning of many parts of the control system while they are still on the supplier platform.

    2- Flexibly for design and parameters change or improve.

    3- Give early indications for any requirements might come up during the real start-up time.

    4- Avoid any unplanned events during commissioning, also any difficulty to reach some critical sites.

    5- Avoid any danger against the human and products of the site.

    Still there is some points might meet the Virtual commissioning on the ground, some of them are:

    1- How accurate the design and limits comparing with real delivered.

    2- The real performance of the equipment’s after installation.

    3- Late design changes due to site conditions.

    4- The late QAQC report and recommendation related to the process or equipment.

    However, if the commissioning team was dynamic enough and creative then virtual commissioning can have a great impact on the time line of any project.

  • Jo Saul January 28, 2019, 6:54 am

    I live and breathe virtual commissioning!

    My primary role is in the use of multi purpose dynamic simulators to provide the initial proof of FEED for engineering and later in the lifecycle the technical training and competency validation of operations staff.

    We often build the simulated plant (modelled in code) and the control system HMI for new projects, and verify commissioning procedures using this environment. It has saved significant revenue by identifying areas of process bottleneck, or even inoperability, well before the plant itself is completed. Modifications can then be designed and implemented, tested again, and passed to construction for implementation.

    This is a MUlti Purpose Dynamiv Simulator. Variants include Operations Training Simulators and Emergency Response Simulators. All have a unique target function to support overall operations. On the horizon are fully immersive 3D simulations linked to the control system simulator, where technicians and engineers can work in a virtualised copy of the facility with complete interoperability with the DCS. This is ideal for evaluating equipment location and orientation when consideration is given to actual operation as procedures are carried out.

    Please feel free to contact me if I can assist.